How to Register

Registration Instructions

  1. Click on the, "Register a New Team" button.
  2. Type in your Team's Name
  3. Choose your Team's Division (Guided or Non-Guided)
  4. Select all applicable Side Pots. Guided Division can only select Spot Pot. Non-Guided Division can select all Side Pots.
  5. Type your Guide's Name in the, "Guide Name" box (if in the Guided Division). If your team is in the Non-Guided Division, leave it blank.
  6. Type a good contact email for your team in the, "Team Email" box.
  7. Type a good contact phone number for your team in the, "Team Phone" box.
  8. Click the, "Save & close" box.
  9. Click on the, "Add Angler" box below.
  10. Type in the first and last name of Angler 1 and then click the, "Continue" box.
  11. Select shirt size from dropdown menu.
  12. Click on the, "Save & close" button. Then repeat Steps 9-11 for each angler on your team. (Up to 4 anglers max per team)
  13. Check the, "I and all above partipants" box.
  14. Click the, "Finalize & Make Payment" button and input your payment information.