Rules & Regulations

Duke it Out Fishing Tournament
- By receiving these rules, all entrants agree that they understand and will follow all rules and stipulations of the tournament.
- At least one member from each team must be present at the Captain’s Meeting beginning at 7pm on Friday, August 1st, 2025, at The Saltwater Pavillion located at 810 Seabreeze Drive, Rockport, TX 78382. Late registrations will be going on from 5-7pm.
- Up to four individuals are allowed on a team. Teams may fish with a guide if they choose. The guide does not count as a team member and is not allowed to contribute fish to the team.
- All teams will be entered into the same division. There will NOT be separate Guided/Non-Guided divisions.
- All fishing areas must be available to the general public.
- You must have a valid Saltwater Fishing License from TPWD to fish in this tournament. Kids under 17 do not need a license but must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- All Texas Parks & Wildlife laws apply.
- Any entrant cited for a TPWD infraction will be automatically disqualified.
- All fish must be taken by rod and reel only. No cast nets, bow fishing, gigging, etc.
- All live, dead, or artificial bait is allowed.
- All entered fish must be caught during tournament hours. No check-in is required before fishing. Tournament hours are from 6:30am to 3:00pm, Saturday, August 2nd, 2025.
- Teams may fish via land, pier (public only), jettis, kayak, boat etc. All team members must remain within eyesight of each other and vessel at all times.
- No fishing within 100 yards of another team’s boat or wade fisherman at any point.
- Fishing will be limited to one nautical mile past the end of the jettis.
- All fish weighed in must have been caught by registered participants. No borrowed fish.
- No holding or blocking off any fishing areas by other individuals not participating in tournament.
- 1 pole per angler allowed in the water at a time.
- In the event of a tie in weight or number of spots, the team that weighed in first will be the winner.
- No scales or means of measuring will be available from weighmaster or tournament members prior to official weigh in. You must choose which fish you are entering into the tournament prior to weighing in. The fish you present to the weighmaster is the fish you enter!
- If bait or fish are inside the mouth of the fish when caught, it can remain in the mouth, but it cannot be secured. If it falls out at any time (Including Weigh-In), you may not put it back in.
- Weighmaster services will be provided by Gulf Coast Weighmaster Services. They are trained to check for freshness of the fish and for any tampering or alterations made to the fish. Any and all decisions of the Weighmaster are FINAL.
- Tournament will proceed rain or shine.
- Fish not meeting TPWD rules in measurements will be disqualified and cannot be replaced with another fish.
- No altered or mutilated fish will be accepted. Altered or mutilated fish whether natural or not, will result in fish and team’s disqualification.
- You do not have to have a complete stringer to be able to weigh in for Heavy Stringer Category.
- Weigh Master has final ruling on all fish related matters.
- The weigh-in will start no earlier than 1pm and no later than 3pm at The Saltwater Pavillion located at 810 Seabreeze Drive, Rockport, TX 78382. Anglers will need to be in line with fish in hand by 3pm. Anyone trying to get in line after 3pm will not be allowed to weigh in.
- THIS IS A POKER FORMAT TOURNAMENT: Each team can enter only 1 category. Team poker chip must be placed into category of choice at time of weigh in and cannot be changed. Make sure you place your chip in your chosen category prior to presenting your fish to Weighmaster. No category changes.
- No protests allowed.
- No refunds will be issued.
- Rules subject to change up until the Captain’s meeting.
All proceeds will benefit The Duke Carrillo Foundation.
Entry Fee
Team Entry Fee - $500 for 1-4 Anglers. Included with your entry fee is a complimentary meal Tournament Day, goodie bags, as well as the Categories below.
Categories (Included with Entry)
- Heavy Stringer – Heaviest Stringer consisting of (2) Speckled Trout (15-20”) and (2) Redfish (20-28”). 1st-3rd awarded.
- Heavy Redfish – Heaviest Slot Redfish (20-28”). 1st-3rd awarded.
- Heavy Speckled Trout – Heaviest Slot Speckled Trout (15-20”). 1st-3rd awarded.
- Heavy Flounder – Heaviest Flounder (15” – No Max). 1st-3rd place awarded.
- Spot Pot – Slot Redfish (20-28”) with most spots. Must have more than 2 spots to be eligible for entry. 1st-3rd place awarded.
Side Pots ($50 Each Per Team)
- Calcutta (Heavy Stringer) – Heaviest Stringer weighed in. 100% payout to 1st place only.
- Heavy Redfish - Heaviest Slot Redfish (20-28”). 100% payout to 1st place only.
- Heavy Trout - Heaviest Slot Speckled Trout (15-20”). 100% payout to 1st place only.
- Heavy Flounder – Heavy Flounder (15”min – No Max). 100% payout to 1st place only.
- Spot Pot – Slot Redfish (20-28”) with most spots. Must have more than 2 spots to be eligible for entry. 100% payout to 1st place only.
For consideration of participation in the “Duke It Out” Fishing Tournament event to be held on August 2nd, 2025, I, ______________________________, waive and release the Duke Carrillo Foundation, its chapters, directors, officers, administrators, representatives and executors, past and present employees, volunteers, agents, supervisors, participants, all city and state governments, assigns, all sponsors, their representatives and successors (collectively, the “Releasees”), from any and all claims, liabilities, or cause of actions arising out of an injury to me (or my child) and from any and all claims, liabilities, or cause of actions arising from my (or my child’s) participation or attendance in this event.
Inherent and Potential Risks
I understand that the Fishing Tournament involves strenuous physical activity associated with fishing. I understand that physical activity, by its very nature, carries with it certain inherent risks. I assume all risks associated with participating in the Fishing Tournament relating to the risk of strenuous physical activity. I acknowledge that I may incur minor injuries, major injuries, and catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death. I assume risks from contact with other participants, negligent or wanton acts of other participants, failure of other participants and non-participants from observing the guidelines of the Fishing Tournament, any defects of conditions of premises (including high or low water levels and rough waters), and the effects of weather including high heat, thunderstorms, lightning, precipitation, cold temperatures, high winds, and/or humidity.
I agree to dress myself (or my child) appropriately as to mitigate risk of physical injury to myself (or my child) including, but not limited to: wearing shoes appropriate for strenuous physical activity involved in the Fishing Tournament; and dressing in conjunction with the weather.
I agree that the Releasees are not responsible for any personal items or property lost or stolen before, during, or after the Fishing Tournament.
Medical Evaluation
I attest that I (or my child) am medically and physically able to participate in the Fishing Tournament. If I experience any doubt as to my (or my child’s) ability to successfully and safely participate in and/or complete the Fishing Tournament, I take full responsibility for consulting a physician. I attest that, if I (or my child) am pregnant, disabled in any way, or have recently suffered an illness, injury, or impairment, I (or my child) should have or did consult a physician prior to participating in the Fishing Tournament.
I consent to emergency medical care and transportation in order to obtain treatment in the event of injury to me (or my child) as medical professionals may deem appropriate. This Release extends to any liability arising out of or in any way connected with the medical treatment and transportation provided in the event of an emergency, including, but not limited to, negligence emergency rescue operations.
Voluntary Participation
I am fully aware of the risks connected with participation in the Fishing Tournament, whether specifically listed in this Release or not, and I voluntarily elect to participate in the Fishing Tournament knowing that this participation involves these risks. I understand that my participation in the Fishing Tournament accompanies a minimum fundraising obligation for the benefit of Duke Carrillo Foundation. Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, Release, and Covenant Not To Sue
In consideration for being permitted to participate in the Fishing Tournament, I voluntarily agree for myself, my family, heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators to the following:
1. TO ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY RISKS OF LOSS, OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH that may be sustained by me (or my child), or any loss or damage to property owned by me (or my child), as a result of participating in the Fishing Tournament.
2. TO RELEASE, WAIVE, HOLD HARMLESS, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the Releasees from any and all liability, claims, actions, demands, expenses, attorney fees, breach of contract actions, breach of statutory duty or other duty of care, warranty, strict liability actions, and causes of action whatsoever, that I might have or may acquire in the future, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by me (or my child), or to any property belonging to me (or my child), while participating in the Fishing Tournament including, but not limited to, any claim that the act or omission complained of was in whole or in part by the negligence or carelessness of the Releasees.
Acknowledgment and Compliance with Rules
I agree to observe and obey all rules and safety procedures that accompany the Fishing Tournament and to abide by any decision of an event official relative to my (or my child’s) ability to safely compete in the event. I agree to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times and to obey all laws. Duke Carrillo Foundation and event officials may dismiss me (or my child), without refund, should my (or my child’s) behavior endanger the safety of or negatively affect an event, person, facility, or property of any kind.
I understand and agree to stock my vessel with one Coast Guard Approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) per passenger, including captain and crew, in accordance with Coast Guard Regulations. For vessels over sixteen feet long, a throw-able PFD (such as a boat cushion or life ring) must be on board.
I agree that if any portion of this Release is deemed to be invalid, the remainder of the Release will still be binding and enforceable.
Photography Release
I hereby grant full permission to Duke Carrillo Foundation to use, reuse, reproduce, publish, or republish any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of my participation in this event, in any medium now known or hereafter developed, alone or in conjunction with other material, without restriction as to changes or alterations, as well as to use my name, voice, likeness, and/or other indicia of identity, for editorial, educational, promotional, advertising, and commercial purposes, including without limitation in connection with the solicitation of contributions and the furtherance of the corporate objectives of Duke Carrillo Foundation. Further, I relinquish all rights, title, and interest in any and all photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or other records of the Fishing Tournament I may take or capture to Duke Carrillo Foundation.
I acknowledge and represent that I have carefully read and understand all terms of this Release and Waiver of Liability.
Full Name: __________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________
Date: ______________________
I, the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the above-named participant, hereby give my/our approval to this child’s participation in the Fishing Tournament. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation, and I hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless Releasees for any claim arising or of an injury to my/our child and from any and all liability, claims, actions, demands, expenses, attorney fees, breach of contract actions, breach of statutory duty or other duty of care, warranty, strict liability actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or connected with my/our child’s participation in the Fishing Tournament. I consent to the foregoing and grant permission for my/our child to participate in the Fishing Tournament. I acknowledge I have carefully read, accept, and agree to the terms on this Release, and know and understand their contents and I sign the same on my/our own free act and deed.
I attest that if my/our child, the above-named participant, is under 18 years of age years of age as of the date of the Fishing Tournament, he or she will be accompanied by an adult eighteen years of age or older throughout his or her participation in the Fishing Tournament. I further attest that my/our child will wear an appropriately sized life jacket for the duration of his or her participation in the Fishing Tournament.
Child’s Full Name: ____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Full Name: ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: _________________________